“ The Course is very thought provoking, pointing out the important issues in establishing effective and efficient maintenance system in a Cement plant. I really enjoyed all the sessions especially Module 3. ”
— Mira Stanton
Cement Industry Training
CemNet e-Learning courses provide a comprehensive learning experience for cement industry personnel, with a focus on accelerating understanding of the complete manufacturing process.
Why CemNet e-Learning
Explore the essential elements that set CemNet e-Learning apart
Flexible Learning
Study at your own pace, whether in the office or at home, with an internet-connected computer
Global Interaction
Engage in discussions with fellow students from around the world
High Industry Approval
Trusted by thousands of students globally since 2005, including industry leaders and major companies
Eliminating the need for travel expenses
Trusted by
Such personel training has been taken up by multinationals
Titan, Buzzi Unicem, Siam Cement, Yanbu Cement, Egyptian Cement, Vassilliko, JK. Cements, Ultratech, YTL Cement, VNCC, Cementos Lima, Adelaide Brighton, Blue Circle Southern, East African Portland, Natal Portland and many more.
Include coursework, assessments, expert guidance, and interactive learning
Calcined Clay Cement
A 12-part, 3 week online, training course covering the technology, issues and challenges of switching to calcined clay cement production from traditional cements.
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Cement Manufacturing Technology Course
The course content will be suitable for a wide range of personnel within a cement manufacturing company including junior/middle management, technicians, production and control room staff, etc and also for others who wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complete cement manufacturing process.
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Cement Kiln Process Chemistry Course
A six-week modular e-Learning Course designed for cement manufacturers and also suppliers of specialist equipment and services relating to cement kiln chemistry.
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Cement Kiln Process Chemistry Course
A six-week modular e-Learning Course designed for cement manufacturers and also suppliers of specialist equipment and services relating to cement kiln chemistry.
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Calcined Clay Cement
A 12-part, 3 week online, training course covering the technology, issues and challenges of switching to calcined clay cement production from traditional cements.
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Cement Manufacturing Technology Course
The course content will be suitable for a wide range of personnel within a cement manufacturing company including junior/middle management, technicians, production and control room staff, etc and also for others who wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complete cement manufacturing process.
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Cement Kiln Process Chemistry Course
A six-week modular e-Learning Course designed for cement manufacturers and also suppliers of specialist equipment and services relating to cement kiln chemistry.
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Cement Kiln Process Chemistry Course
A six-week modular e-Learning Course designed for cement manufacturers and also suppliers of specialist equipment and services relating to cement kiln chemistry.
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Student's Feedback
“ This course helped me to understand it piece by piece from start to end with enough material to not be generalized but not too much to overwhelm me. ”
— Nolan Botosh
“ I particularly enjoyed trying to apply the theory you explain in our factory. ”
— Giana Rosser